3 Altar of Sacrifice (Follow the Lamb Seminar Series)

Follow the Lamb Seminar
Sanctuary Bible Study
Health: Boosting Brain Power


Story: Testimony of God’s power

 Altar of Sacrifice & The Great Controversy : Who does it symbolize? What color is it? What was put here? What was beside it and where did the fire come from? Where did the need come from for someone to die for us?

 Sinner’s Hope Ex. 27:1-5, John 3:16 God so loved the world, He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him can have eternal life.


You are the architect of your own future. Your choices make a difference in quality of this life and the future one. Do these items, and find your score for your potential going higher continually.


Eat a hearty breakfast at about 6A or 7AM with the largest quantity and quality of food in the morning. Eat like a king. You will find these benefits:

a.      More efficient problem solving

b.      Improved memory

c.       Increased verbal fluency

d.      Improved attention span

e.       Better attitudes

f.       Better Scholastic Scores

g.      You will accomplish more in the day and be faster at it.


Morning intake of these “B Smart” foods .

a.      B6 vitamins and B12 vitamins are linked with memory skills

Source Suggestions: 2 handfuls of sunflower seeds,  ½ cup of whole grain cooked rice, 3 Tablespoons garbanzos (chick peas, humus generally spread on your whole wheat toast), One to two Tablespoons of nutritious  food yeast, ½ cup of any kind of beans, one to two slices of whole wheat, multigrain bread or toast, one cup sprouts in a sandwich with tomatoes and avocado. Sprouts like Alfalfa and mung bean.

b.      Alfalfa sprouts contain B12. This is a memory linked vitamin (Neuro psychology Association. Alzheimer studies showed low B12. Also Alfalfa contains 8 essential enzymes important in proper digestion. It contains minerals: Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium., Sodium, Chlorine, Sulfur, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Boron, and Molybdenum. 2 Cups of Alfalfa sprouts a day can bring plenty B12. And minerals.

c.       B1: Thiamine: sources: Sunflower seeds, Rye flour, brewers or nutritious food yeast,

d.      Dietary intake of Omega 3 (Linolenic Acid) Feeding your brain is essential if you want to keep your wits about you. Omega-3 is the most famous  of all the brain foods and is thought to help improve mental agility. Here is a few of the many natural plant food items containing Omega 3: SOURCES: Flaxseed 7,526mg/Tablespoon, Chia seeds, Walnuts 1,703m/1/4 cup; Almonds 136mg/1/4 cup, Avocado 99mg/1/2 cup; apples 25mg/ apple; potato 17 mg/medium potato, Spinach 175mg/1/2 c canned spinach.


SOURCES: Grape juice, (red has highest)

Apples, cherries, strawberries, blueberries, grapefruit, onions, cereal grains.

f.       Melatonin hormone is linked with learning.  You cannot depend on yesterdays intake for today on this one. Daily we need the melatonin intake by evening. Here is some very good news: Melatonin slows aging. Sunshine in the day increases melatonin output by the body in the night. The Pineal gland and the retina produce melatonin but need to utilize tryptophan and serotonin.

Eat foods containing melatonin: Oats 1,796 pico-grams/gram of oats (It is the best known source) Corn has 1,366 pico-gram/gram of food. Rice has 1,006 pico-gram/gram of rice. Tomatoes have 500 pico-grams/gram of tomato.

Bananas have 460 pico-gram/gram of banana

g.      Magnesium mineral containing foods: alfalfa sprouts, & granola.

SECRET #3 Get Sleep & Rest

A.    Sleep before midnight brings highest memory skills. If there is one that that can really deaden your mental skills it is the lack of sleep. Aim for 8 hours of sleep each night for the best function of your brain. Timing that sleep is very important. It is all because of the body’s programed hormone production schedule. You cannot change your body clock.  The scientists have discovered that the hormone melatonin is produced in the body before midnight and peaks at 2AM. Two hours of really good sleep before 12 oclock midnight is worth more than 4 hours after 12 o’clock. So if you sleep from 9pm to midnight it is as if you had 6 hours of really the best sleep.

b.      NAP: Also try getting a mid day nap of thirty minutes to one hour. Scientists from the University of California say a nap can help your ability to absorb new information.

c.       Spend one day weekly  with a total change of activity

d.      While sleeping try for a cool, dark, comfortable, tidy, quiet room. Lay all the worries aside, Keep fresh air in the room. Maintain regular hours for sleep. Do not eat 4 hours before bedtime. Eliminate sleep robbers such as : alcohol, tobacco, tea, caffeine in any shape or form. Unplug phones or turn them off.  Instruct friends never to call after 8:30PM.

SECRET #4 Avoid Sugar

SUGAR: Avoid sugar in refined and large amounts as it impairs brain function (Page 274 Proof Positive by Internist Dr. Neil Nedley. Avoid all foods with added white sugar. It reduces the number of white blood cells and reduces their activity. (Page 183 Proof Positive)


EXERCISE- Go for a good walk daily and add 24 minutes to your life span.

SECRET #6 Stress Intervention

When levels of stress hormone cortisol increase, it damages the hippocampus, the area of the brain that is involved with learning and memory. Exercise is a great stress reliever. You can get extra brain performance resulting at the same time. Walking is the very best exercise. Daily walking one mile in the early morning gets your brain ready to perform all day with extra oxygen and good circulation.

SECRET # 6 Water Intake is extremely important

Brain shrinkage can occur if you become dehydrated, according to the University of Sheiffield, so make sure you drink 2 liters or 2.5 quarts a day. Other liquids do not count. You need pure, clean, water. Villagers must boil their water 1 hour and filter it to have it in the best format for consumption.

SECRET # 7 Chewing gum is thought to increase your smartness. A joint study from the University of Northumbria and the Cognitive Research Unit. It says “repeated chewing action has the positive effect on thinking and memory.” Scientists believe that the improved performance of heart rate, oxygen and glucose delivery to the brain occur with the use of chewing muscles.

SECRET #8 Pace yourself

Give yourself allotted time to do a given task. Review daily the materials to be covered in exam. Record and listen to lectures 5-17 times for highest score results on topics critical to acceptance into graduate school. It is not a matter of how much intelligence one has, but the determination to get the topic mastered. The phone number and your address is easy to remember because of it’s frequent use. If you move to another location, it will become difficult to remember the old address after a couple years.  Daily review the key points you want to always remember.


There are microbes and organisims which can multiply in a dark, closed environment. Fresh air is higher in oxygen and lower in microbes if you live away from any decaying garbage, or rotting vegetation such as happens in flooded areas or swampy lowlands. The home should be on high ground above well drained soil with no close trees. The falling leaves can also provide mold spores which cause allergies.

Fresh air  improves digestion, & sleep. The fresh air has higher oxygen levels which the brain needs for higher performance.

SECRET # 10- Music selection

Mozart Music

In a 1995 research project it was found that listening to Mozart was linked to the fact that the listeners felt relaxed and stimulated to listen to the composer. Their thoughts were more organized and they performed better in school.

Refuse to listen to worldly syncopated music. Music enters through emotional regions such as temporal lobe and limbic systems. From there, some kinds of music tend to produce a frontal lobe response that influences the will, moral worth, and reasoning powers. Syncopated rhythm disrupts internal rhythm. The detrimental effects include permanent learning difficulties and atrophy to the frontal lobe. Harmonious typs of hymns and symphonies, on the other hand, can produce beneficial frontal lobe response. Classical music can help college students learn spatial relationships in geometry. (Proof Positive author Neil Nedley sites references from Rauscher FH, Shaw G, Ky KN, Listening to Mozart Enhances spatial – temporal Reasoning: Neurophysiological  Basis. Neuroscience letter 185, 1995, page 46. Proof Positive by Dr. Neil Nedley

SECRET # 11  Recognize TV damages your Brain Power

Choose to Refuse to watch TV:  harmful effects:

a.     Produces hypnotic effect, bypassing the frontal lobe filtering.

b.    Reduces interest in reading and learning.

c.      Weakens brain power.

d.    Encourages poor lifestyle habits.

e.      Weakens creativity.

f.      May reduce your powers of discrimination.

g.     TV trains you to have no reaction to violence or other issues.

h.    Influences viewers to regard violence lightly

i.       Makes children more irritable

j.       Increases aggressiveness.

k.    Addictive

l.       Reduces time available for study in school

m.  Steals time from prayer and Bible study

n.    Adversely affects training for God’s service

     SECRET # 12- Bible Reading: “Nothing is so calculated to enlarge the mind and strengthen the intellect as the study of the Bible. “Start the day with God, He will provide all needs. Phil 4:19. If you lack wisdom, ask God for it. Count your blessings and thank God. Study the Bible after praying.


1.     Proof Positive by Dr. Neil Nedley

2.     Article in the Sky magazine for 15 ideas to boost brain power 2010

3.     Nutrition fact lists

BIBLE STUDY- Altar of Sacrifice

1 min. Review of Lesson # 1 & 2

 The sanctuary is a shadow of the heavenly sanctuary and teaches the plan of salvation. God directed Moses to build His house so He could live with them and show them His plan of salvation. For 40 years, they lived in the wilderness where there was no food or water naturally but He opened a rock and a river flowed for one million people and their animals. There was no food but God sent the manna from the sky. On this diet there were no people with high blood pressure, strokes, or heart disease. Their shoes and clothing did not wear out. The vipers in the sand where they camped did not bite them till they started scorning Moses and God, whom he represented, and breaking God’s  commandments. The remedy for the snakes was a strange rod with a bronze serpent on it. If they looked and believed, they could be well. The serpent on the pole is still used by doctors as the sign of their work of healing. It showed that Jesus would take their sin on Himself and break the bondage of sin and help us put on His character which actually hates sin.
  In the second lesson, we focused on the Most Holy Room and it's only piece of furniture, the covenant ark. It contained manna, Aaron's Rod, and the TEN COMMANDMENTS. These Commandments are so important, that as we follow them, we will begin to think the same as God is thinking. It teaches us principles of how to love each other and how to love God. Breaking these is sin and needs forgiveness for no sin will enter heaven. We are to ask God for help to keep these even in the way we think. He has promised help up until the time of the closing of the door of mercy. After this point, He wants us to be so settled into the truth that sin won't ever happen again in heaven. The whole plan of salvation is a process of putting away sin and cooperating by faith with Him in climbing the ladder of Christian growth daily. We will be adding to our faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge and growing the fruits of the Spirit till we have His white robe of character on.


The altar was located in the court and was surrounded by white curtains. The white is a symbol of the perfect life of Jesus. Isaiah 1:18 shows that your sins can become white as snow.

FIRE: Where did the fire come from that was used at the altar of sacrifice? Leviticus 6:12-13 The fire was never to be put out.

WHO KILLED THE LAMB? Who was the one responsible for killing the lamb sin offering? the sinner from the garden of Eden to the death of Jesus on the cross.

“The priest could not himself become an offering for sin, and make an atonement with his life, for he was also a sinner. Therefore, instead of suffering death himself, he killed a lamb without blemish; the penalty of sin was transferred to the innocent beast, which became his immediate substitute, and typified the perfect offering of Jesus..” 1SM 230 Selected Messages

BLOOD: What has to be shed for sin to be taken away? Hebrews 9:21-22; Hebrews 13:20,21; In every bleeding sacrifice was typified “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” John 1:29 “through the blood of Christ alone is there forgiveness of sins.” Amazing Grace 155

ASHES: Where were the ashes and blood placed in the outer court? Leviticus 1:16; Hebrews 12:29; Lev.6:10

HORNS: What do the horns on this altar signify? Luke 1:69; 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalms 18:2;

BRASS: What does the color brass of this furniture and the laver signify? John 3:14-16; Acts of the Apostles 226 “Even the manner of His death has been shadowed forth. ” SERPENT ON A POLE:“When the people of Israel were dying from the sting of the fiery serpents, God directed Moses to make a serpent of brass, and place it on high in the midst of the congregation...It was a symbol of Christ. As the image made in the likeness of the destroying serpents was lifted up for their healing, so One made “in the likeness of sinful flesh” was to be their Redeemer. Romans 8:3They were to look and live.” Desire of Ages 174

ALTAR COVERING OF PURPLE: What was the meaning of this symbol of purple on the altar? Numbers 4:13 & 14; Mark 15:17-20; Mathew 27:27-31; Luke 23:11. Purple was associated with royalty and they were scorning Jesus as king. He is king of the whole universe and we spit on Him and cursed Him. Satan did all possible to stop Jesus from setting us free. I do not understand why He stayed with His plan. Such love is beyond my comprehension but I sure love Him for His amazing gift to us.

CROWN on the altar: righteousness 2 Tim. 4: 6-8

Ă˜  Crown of glory AA 525

Ă˜  Crown of sacrifice. All who follow Christ will wear it, will be misunderstood by selfish men, and will be made a mark for the fierce assaults of Satan. DA 223

SALT: Mathew 5:13-16; 2 Kings 2:21; Romans 12:1;  You are the salt, a savor of Divine love. Salt was added to every sacrifice. This, like the offering of incense, signified that only the righteousness of Christ could make the service acceptable to God…there will be no rivalry, no self-seeking, no desire for the highest place. You will have that love which seeks not her own, but another’s wealth.” Desire of Ages 439

“”they may become agents in saving others…” Conflict and Courage 224

“So the Christian is to abide among men, that the savor of divine love may be as salt to preserve the world from corruption.” Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students p. 323; Desire of Ages 306

“Salt must be mingled with the substance to which it is added; it must penetrate and infuse in order to preserve. So it is through personal contact and association that men are reached by the saving power of the gospel. We are not saved in masses, but as individuals. Personal influence is a power. We must come close to those whom we desire to benefit” Thoughts from the Mount of blessing p. 59

OFFERING TO BE WITHOUT BLEMISH: Jesus the lamb. He was the “lamb without blemish and without spot.” 1 Peter 1:19, Desire of Ages 50, Isaiah 53 “Physically as well as spiritually, He was an example of what God designed all humanity to be through obedience to His laws.” DA 50. In the ram provided in the place of Isaac, Abraham saw a symbol of Him who was to die for the sins of men. Desire of Ages 112

“as a lamb to the slaughter,” “the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all” Isaiah 53:6 & 7

Examples of common fire: Dominating Spirit, Impoliteness, Careless words, Raising money for God’s work by entertaining concerts or banquets, Using excitement to draw attention to God’s Word like drama

RAINBOW: While Noah was sacrificing at His altar after coming out of the ark when the flood was over, God created a symbol for all generations. Genesis 9:11-16 Amazing Grace 132 “This token of a covenant between me and the earth…And the bow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.”AG 132

Rainbow references:

“Symbol of grace and love.” LDE 240, 5T 751

 “It is an assurance to us of strength and protection as long as the throne itself shall endure. DA 493

The rainbow spanning the heavens with its arch of light is a token of the “everlasting covenant between God and every living creature.” Gen. 9:16. “an emblem of divine mercy.” Ed 177

“The rainbow about the throne is an assurance that God is true…The honor of His throne is staked for the fulfillment of His Word to us. FLB 42.5 “…in the rainbow of the covenant a blessed assurance of acceptance with the Father as long as the throne endures. 2 MCP 462 …Put your hand in the hand of Christ…angels that excel in strength will cooperate with the people of God. 2MCP 462

ALTAR APPLICATION:“At the altar of self-sacrifice – the appointed place of meeting between God and the soul—we receive from the hand of God the celestial torch which searches the heart, revealing the need of an abiding Christ.” Review and Herald, Jan. 31, 1907. “A portion of the blood of the sacrifice was sprinkled upon the altar. This signified that the people had consecrated themselves—body, mind, and soul—to God. A portion was sprinkled upon the people. This signified that through the sprinkled blood of Christ, God graciously accepted them as His special treasure. Thus Israelites entered into solemn covenant with God.” MS 126, 1901

“none will enter Heaven without making a sacrifice. They should cherish a spirit of sacrifice and self-denial. Some have not sacrificed themselves, their own bodies, on the altar of God. They indulge in hasty, fitful temper, and gratify their appetites, and attend to their own self-interest, regardless of the cause of God. Those who are willing to make any sacrifice for eternal life, will have it. And it will be worth suffering for, worth crucifying self for, and sacrificing every idol for. 4b Spiritual Gifts p. 13

FORGIVENESS: If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and remember that your brother has something against thee, what should you do? Mathew 5: 23 & 24

By making an entire surrender Abraham was able to understand the sacrifice Jesus would make as represented in the altar. Abraham understood the answer to this question:”Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil: Micah 6:6& 7

What greater proof can the Infinite One give us of His divine love and pity? Romans 8:32. Are we willing to make any sacrifice?

The Roof-
The design and colors tell us of the great controversy and God’s plan of salvation.
“The roof was formed of four sets of curtains, the CIS 25 , PP 347
1.      First Layer
Exodus 26:1   Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle [with] ten curtains [of] fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet
Exodus 26:4   And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling; and likewise shalt thou make in the uttermost edge of [another] curtain, in the coupling of the second.
2.       Second Layer-Goats but heads with any one in the way (There is a scape goat and goat to represent Jesus in the story of the Atonement—watch for it) Jesus was willing to do battle to death with Satan. It looked like He lost the battle at the cross but He actually won. You will see this amazing plan unfold in the sanctuary stories.
Exodus 26:7   And thou shalt make curtains [of] goats' [hair] to be a covering upon the tabernacle: eleven curtains shalt thou make. 
  26:8   The length of one curtain [shall be] thirty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: and the eleven curtains [shall be all] of one measure.
 36:18   And he made fifty taches [of] brass
3.       3rd Layer  Ram has hormones making him defend his flock (Jesus defends His flock)
Ram’s skin dyed red
4.      4th layer on top—not so important looking. Not a beautiful leopard or lion skin, just Seal Skin  (Isaiah 53: He was without form or comeliness that we should desire Him)
Where did sin come from? Who is Satan? Where did he come from?
Satan is an enemy of God. (Mathew 13:24-29)
Satan was created and given the name Lucifer. He was once a beautiful angel with freedom of choice but his pride and jealousy of Jesus led him to rebel and cause other angels to follow his choices. (Isaiah 14:12-14
  War broke out in heaven and Satan with his sympathizers fought against Jesus and the loyal angels. (Revelation 12:7-9)

 Satan was cast out of heaven (Luke 10:18)
 Satan was so angry, he made it his only project and purpose to destroy anything God made. When God created Adam and Eve and their beautiful garden home, (Genesis 1:27-31) Satan led Adam and Eve to mistrust God by openly defying His command. Satan lied to them through the mouth of a snake. Adam and Even ran to hide because of their guilt. God knew where they were but He called to them and they spoke from their hiding place. This guilt is explained in Isaiah 59: 1 & 2. The ultimate result of disobedience is death. (Romans 6:23)
  Jesus offered to take the penalty of our sins by coming to earth, showing us how to live a sin free life by constant prayer and Bible truth as our defense against Satan. Jesus took our nature, faced our temptations and was victorious. Hebrews 4:15.
Through Jesus, salvation is a free gift. Romans 3:24, 25.
  Satan will be completely destroyed at the end. (Ezekiel 28:17, 18)
  Our God will establish a new heaven and a new earth. (Revelation 21: 1-5)
  Sin will never rear its ugly head a second time. (Nahum 1:9)

The layers in the curtains are showing us all of this effort involves a very expensive battle.
A wonderful symbol of this promise or covenant is seen in the rainbow colors in the curtains. They curtains reflected on the golden walls to form rainbows.
Genesis 9:13
The symbol of the covenant between me and you…for all generations.
God will never leave us in our struggles with evil.
The rainbow “testifies to the universe that God will never forsake His people in their struggle with evil.” DA 493
         Two sons of the Israelite priest Aaron became drunk and did a foolish mistake in God’s temple. They went inside with the wrong fire and God killed them instantly. They had just promised God solemnly they would not drink alcohol. They knew better.
         Lev. 10:1-3
Alcohol and Men in Responsible Positions

     Lessons from the Experience of Nadab and Abihu.--Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, who ministered in the holy office of priesthood, partook freely of wine, and, as was their usual custom, went in to minister before the Lord. The priests who burned incense before the Lord were required to use the fire of God's kindling, which burned day and night, and was never extinguished. God gave explicit directions how every part of His service should be conducted, that all connected with His sacred worship might be in accordance with His holy character. And any deviation from the express directions of God in connection with His holy service was punishable with death. No sacrifice would be acceptable to God which was not salted nor seasoned with divine fire, which represented the communication between God and man that was opened through Jesus Christ alone. The holy fire which was to be put upon the censer was kept burning perpetually. And while the people of God were without, earnestly praying, the incense kindled by the holy fire was to arise before God mingled with their prayers. This incense was an emblem of the mediation of Christ.  {Te 43.2} 
     Aaron's sons took the common fire which God did not accept, and they offered insult to the infinite God by presenting this strange fire before Him. God consumed them by fire for their positive disregard of His express directions. All their works were as the offering of Cain. There was no divine Saviour represented. Had these sons of Aaron been in full
command of their reasoning faculties they would have discerned the difference between the common and sacred fire. The gratification of appetite debased their faculties and so beclouded their intellect that their power of discernment was gone. They fully understood the holy character of the typical service, and the awful solemnity and responsibility assumed of presenting themselves before God to minister in sacred service.  {Te 43.3} 
     They Were Responsible.--Some may inquire, How could the sons of Aaron have been accountable when their intellects were so far paralyzed by intoxication that they were not able to discern the difference between sacred and common fire? It was when they put the cup to their lips that they made themselves responsible for all their acts committed while under the influence of wine. The indulgence of appetite cost those priests their lives. God expressly forbade the use of wine that would have an influence to becloud the intellect.  {Te 44.1} 
     "And the Lord spake unto Aaron, saying, Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations: and that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean; and that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses." . . .  {Te 44.2} 
     Here we have the most plain directions of God, and his reasons for prohibiting the use of wine; that their power of discrimination and discernment might be clear, and in no way confused; that their judgment might be correct, and they be ever able to discern between the clean and unclean. Another reason of weighty importance why they should abstain from anything which would intoxicate, is also given. It would require the full use of unclouded reason to present to the children of Israel all the statutes which God had spoken to them.
 {Te 44.3} 
     Qualifications for Spiritual Leaders.--Anything in eating or drinking which disqualifies the mental powers for healthful and active exercise is an aggravating sin in the sight of God. Especially is this the case with those who minister in holy things, who should at all times be examples to the people, and be in a condition to properly instruct them. . . .  {Te 45.1} 
     Ministers in the sacred desk, with mouth and lips defiled, dare to take the sacred word of God in their polluted lips. They think God does not notice their sinful indulgence. "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." God will no more receive a sacrifice from the hands of those who thus pollute themselves, and offer with their service the incense of tobacco and liquor, than He would receive the offering of the sons of Aaron, who offered incense with strange fire.  {Te 45.2} 
     God has not changed. He is as particular and exact in His requirements now as He was in the days of Moses. But in the sanctuaries of worship in our day, with the songs of praise, the prayers, and the teaching from the pulpit, there is not merely strange fire, but positive defilement. Instead of truth being preached with holy unction from God, it is sometimes spoken under the influence of tobacco and brandy. Strange fire indeed! Bible truth and Bible holiness are presented to the people, and prayers are offered to God, mingled with the stench of tobacco! Such incense is most acceptable to Satan! A terrible deception is this! What an offense in the sight of God! What an insult to Him who is holy, dwelling in light unapproachable!  {Te 45.3} 
     If the faculties of the mind were in healthful vigor, professed Christians would discern the inconsistency of such worship. Like Nadab and Abihu, their sensibilities are so blunted that they make no difference between the sacred and common. Holy and sacred things are brought down upon a level with
their tobacconized breaths, benumbed brains, and their polluted souls, defiled through indulgence of appetite and passion. Professed Christians eat and drink, smoke and chew tobacco, and become gluttons and drunkards, to gratify appetite, and still talk of overcoming as Christ overcame!-- Redemption; or the Temptation of Christ, pages 82-86.  {Te 45.4} 
     A Call for Clear-Minded Officials.--How is it with our lawmakers, and the men in our courts of justice? If it was necessary that those who minister in holy office should have clear minds and full control of their reason, is it not also important that those who make and execute the laws of our great nation should have their faculties unclouded? What about the judges and jurors, in whose hands rests the disposing of human life, and whose decisions may condemn the innocent, or turn the criminal loose upon society? Do they not need to have full control of their mental powers? Are they temperate in their habits? If not, they are not fit for such responsible positions. When the appetites are perverted, the mental powers are weakened, and there is danger that men will not rule justly. Is indulgence in that which beclouds the mind less dangerous today than when God placed restrictions upon those who ministered in holy office?--Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, page 19.  {Te 46.1} 
     When Government Men Betray Their Trust.--Men who make laws to control the people should above all others be obedient to the higher laws which are the foundation of all rule in nations and in families. How important that men who have a controlling power should themselves feel they are under a higher control. They will never feel thus while their minds are weakened by indulgence in narcotics, and strong drink. Those to whom it is entrusted to make and execute laws should have all their powers in vigorous action. They may, by practicing temperance in all things, preserve the clear discrimination between the sacred and common, and have
wisdom to deal with that justice and integrity which God enjoined upon ancient Israel. . . .  {Te 46.2} 
     Many who are elevated to the highest positions of trust in serving the public are the opposite of this. They are self-serving, and generally indulge in the use of narcotics, and wine and strong drink. Lawyers, jurors, senators, judges, and representative men have forgotten that they cannot dream themselves into a character. They are deteriorating their powers through sinful indulgences. They stoop from their high position to defile themselves with intemperance, licentiousness, and every form of evil. Their powers prostituted by vice open their path for every evil. . . .  {Te 47.1} 
     Intemperate men should not by vote of the people be placed in positions of trust. Their influence corrupts others, and grave responsibilities are involved. With brain and nerve narcotized by tobacco and stimulus they make a law of their nature, and when the immediate influence is gone there is a collapse. Frequently human life is hanging in the balance; on the decision of men in these positions of trust depends life and liberty, or bondage and despair. How necessary that all who take part in these transactions should be men proved, men of self-culture, men of honesty and truth, of stanch integrity, who will spurn a bribe, who will not allow their judgment or convictions of right to be swerved by partiality or prejudice. Thus saith the Lord, "Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause. Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked. And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous."--Signs of the Times, July 8, 1880.  {Te 47.2} 
     Only men of strict temperance and integrity should be admitted to our legislative halls and chosen to preside in our courts of justice. Property, reputation, and even life itself, are insecure when left to the judgment of men who are
intemperate and immoral. How many innocent persons have been condemned to death, how many more have been robbed of all their earthly possessions, by the injustice of drinking jurors, lawyers, witnesses, and even judges!--Signs of the Times, Feb. 11, 1886.  {Te 47.3} 
     If All Responsible Men Were Temperate.--Should representative men keep the way of the Lord, they would point men to a high and holy standard. Those in positions of trust would be strictly temperate. Magistrates, senators, and judges would have a clear understanding, and their judgment would be sound and unperverted. The fear of the Lord would ever be before them, and they would depend upon a higher wisdom than their own. The heavenly Teacher would make them wise in counsel, and strong to work steadfastly in opposition to all wrong, and to advance that which is right and just and true. The word of God would be their guide, and all oppression would be discarded. Lawmakers and administrators would abide by every good and just law, ever teaching the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment. God is the head of all good and just governments and laws. Those who are entrusted with the responsibility of administering any part of the law, are accountable to God as stewards of His goods. --Review and Herald, Oct. 1, 1895.  {Te 48.1} 
     Reason Dethroned at Belshazzar's Feast.--In his pride and arrogancy, with a reckless feeling of security, Belshazzar "made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand." All the attractions that wealth and power could command, added splendor to the scene. Beautiful women with their enchantments were among the guests in attendance at the royal banquet. Men of genius and education were there. Princes and statesmen drank wine like water, and reveled under its maddening influence. With reason dethroned through shameless intoxication, and with lower impulses and passions now in the ascendancy, the king
himself took the lead in the riotous orgy.--Prophets and Kings, page 523.  {Te 48.2} 
     At the very moment when the feasting was at its height, a bloodless hand came forth, and traced on the wall of the banqueting room the doom of the king and his kingdom. "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin," were the words written, and they were interpreted by Daniel to mean, "Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. . . . Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians." And the record tells us, "In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain. And Darius the Median took the kingdom."  {Te 49.1} 
     Little did Belshazzar think that an unseen Watcher beheld his idolatrous revelry. But there is nothing said or done that is not recorded on the books of heaven. The mystic characters traced by the bloodless hand testify that God is a witness to all we do, and that He is dishonored by feasting and reveling. We cannot hide anything from God. We cannot escape from our accountability to Him. Wherever we are and whatever we do, we are responsible to Him whose we are by creation and by redemption.--Manuscript 50, 1893.  {Te 49.2} 
     Awful Result of Herod's Dissipation.--In many things Herod had reformed his dissolute life. But the use of luxurious food and stimulating drinks was constantly enervating and deadening the moral as well as the physical powers, and warring against the earnest appeals of the Spirit of God, which had struck conviction to the heart of Herod, arousing his conscience to put away his sins. Herodias was acquainted with the weak points in the character of Herod. She knew that under ordinary circumstances, while his intelligence controlled him, she could not obtain the death of John. . . .
Liver- hepatitis, a toxic cell killing inflammation, usually irreversible
Alcohol, in small quantities, acts as a mild relaxant.  If used frequently, larger and larger amounts are needed for relaxing. This is called tolerance.  This leads to dependence, when you feel you have to have it to continue with normal everyday life.
Brain- cells die, decreasing memory, new learning, problem solving and abstract thinking.
Heart – high blood pressure, blood clotting mechanism is deranged, Congestive Heart Failure
Lungs- increased chance of infection d/t impaired clearance of bacteria, and toxic affects on lung tissues.
Skin- sores and rashes from livers inability to get rid of waste products, and poor hygiene.
         ·        Cancer – in the mouth, throat and liver
Psychosocial – loss of friends and family support due to difficulty in communication with person under alcoholic influence.
Deformed children – born to those using the alcohol
         Women who drink not only damage themselves, but if they are pregnant they will damage their unborn baby.  These babies are usually born with:
         ·        Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
         1.     Slow growth
         2.     Characteristic facial features
         3.     Damage to the central nervous system (mental retardation)
         ·        Increased frequency of physical malformation
         Frequent heart defects
So how can you help someone you love to stop their drinking problems? Is it by shouting at them and showing them all the dangers?
  She used the love weapon. Her husband had been a noble man and she loved him so much. But he fell into drinking habit which made him vomit and stay out with the boys till two in the morning. When he made it home, he would beat on her over and over waking her up and demanding food.
  She took the challenge. She smiled, fixed her hair and dressed up. She fixed his favorite things and did all she possibly could to beautify the table with flowers, cloth, and treats he liked. He never fixed things up. Water poured into the kitchen whenever it rained, but somehow she had courage from God to keep on trying.
  When the food was ready, she would invite him. This went on day after day. She prepared the table as though a king was to sit there. The spoon, fork, knife, serviette and each item was carefully properly placed. His blurred eyes did not seem to notice as he gobbled up the food.
  One day, he was weeping when the food was ready. It was a very special meal. It cost her a lot of effort, and she had to be the one who went out to earn money to buy that food. She had worked so hard on it. She asked what was wrong with what she made. He said nothing was wrong with that. He then asked her why she was so kind to him while he was terribly mean to her.
  She said, “Because I love you.”
I was planning to go somewhere really special (heaven) but it seemed he was not planning to go there. Those who drink alcohol will not be going there. So she told him that she had decided to make his little heaven the very best that she could do with what she had. She apologized it was nothing like heaven but it was all she could do.

He cried, and said her love was so wonderful, he wanted to go where she was going. He gave his heart to Jesus and quit drinking with the help of Jesus.
She applies the salt of the sacrifice which is love.

There are so many stories just like this one. There are so many beaten and abused by the spouse. Jesus sees all the tears and the broken, dysfunctional families and he wants to help. He sees what Satan did to destroy each home and Jesus is in the business to fix the broken and restore the blind. He is only wanting to lift the sad and sick ones and deliver them from the grasp of Satan who is trying to destroy. He says He will destroy those who destroy you. 1 Corinthians 3:16       Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and [that] the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 
 3:17    If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] ye are. 
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2. {CSA 52.3}
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. {CSA 52.4}
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.              1 Corinthians 10:31. {CSA 52.5}

In the great controversy between Christ and Satan, it is a battle over you and I. Which side do you prefer to be on. If it be with Jesus, He will help you overcome your sins and deliver you from the grasp of Satan.

If you confess your sin, He is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9